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Videos with the
Gary Froiland Band
Below is the song, "Do You Know You Are My Sunshine?":
Gary Froiland's wife Elaine joins him for the following "sweetheart song":
Gary Froiland wrote the following song about the old outhouse days!
A song made famous during World War II:
In the "Good Old Days" friends and neighbors would gather at a farm for a social gathering and old time barn dance/hoedown! It was the kind of fun on Saturday night that you didn't have to be ashamed of on Sunday morning! The song below depicts those days that are still alive at times.
The videos in the song are clips from years past at Heritage Park, Forest City, Iowa where there is still an old time barn dance Saturday night at their annual Steam Threshing Days!
A song about American history, the Battle of New Orleans:
My sweetheart is a little wild, but that's exciting!......
Another of Gary Froiland's hobbies is photography, including 3D photography! The following video was filmed in 3D, so if you have
a 3D viewer for viewing 3D on your computer screen, you will see
this video that way. Here is a good one at a cheap price ($5 plus
$1 shipping), the Pixi 3D Viewer (Purple Pixi):
Here's where to order it:
Below is Gary Froiland with his wife on bass and daughter on guitar:
Below you'll see Gary's son and daughter, Joshua and Jessica Froiland, acting out the song "Yodel Sweet Molly" as Gary Froiland does the singing, and daughter Jessica does the yodeling:
Below is the song "Charlie Brown" acted out by Gary Froiland's grandson Zachary:
Below is the song "Maggie" on the musical cow bells:
Below is The Gary Froiland Christmas Show (53 minutes long):
Below is The Gary Froiland Birthday Show (1 Hour Long):
The Circuit Riding Preacher is a part of our nation's history. These preachers would travel on a circuit, visiting new towns on the prairie every few months, and ministering to the pioneers who carved out a new life for themselves in this new land. Here is a piece of that story in song:
The following song is an old Bluegrass Standby "Salty Dog Blues". Gary is playing a washtub bass which was given to him by Dale Shafer. The washtub bass was made by Arlen Sloan of Saratoga, Iowa.
It's fun to get different members of the family to join in with song, and
the following is Gary's mother LaVonne joining him by singing a song
she remembers her mother, Esther Kruger singing.
The song "Dooley" is a standard old Bluegrass song about an old moonshiner. The Gary Froiland Jug Band is featured, and friends and family act out the song:
And now for an old classic "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean" with a different twist, and played on the musical cow bells!
I remember the first time I saw a real pirate in the following video:
Below is The Gary Froiland Show #2 (one hour long):
The Good old Bluegrass song, "Going Down the Country":
Let's take a romantic trip down the country roads in an old 1930 car:
And now, for a song about a family reunion...
Did you ever think it possible to be your own grandpa? Check this out:
When doing live performances, this is a "Name that Tune" song on
the musical saw...
Sometimes romance doesn't turn out as you'd like....
This song from 1917 and World War I is just as applicable today
as it was back then...
Time for a commercial for our farmer friends:
Below is The Gary Froiland Show #3 (one hour long):
Below is The Gary Froiland Show #4 (47 Minutes Long):
The following hour-long video is in honor of our Veterans:
Fiddle Tune "Arkansas" Traveler including clogging, playing spoons, Playing bones and playing the Jew's Harp:
How about a tune on the musical fly sprayers? The old Gospel song "When the Saints Go Marching In":
Following in an hour-long program prepared for Valentine's Day:
Here's a great Gospel Song entitled, "I'd Rather Be An Old Time Christian":
The following one-hour program is a tribute to Easter:
A song about a Heavenly Band:
A song honoring mothers:
A great Hank Williams song:
You never know who you might meat along life's road:
You are invited to a wonderful banquet...
An American Civil War Patriotic Song
A Couple of sing-a-longs from the past played on Cow Bells...
There'll be plenty of elbow room on the future New Earth!!!
We each have a soul that will never die. After our physical body dies, our soul lives on, in heaven if we've trusted Jesus as our Savior, or in hell if we've rejected or neglected Him. This song talks about the millions of years of joy in the future for the Christian:
A short little song about healing the hurt of unrealized romance...
A song about a gal that did alright in life...
We're not on this earth for long...
Be prepared for Spiritual Battles...
Here's the song Old Dan Tucker for you....
A Gospel Song about the New Heaven and Earth!
Here I have a conversation with myself...
Come in from the cold and warm up by the old pot belly stove...
And now, for a good Hank Williams song, "Hey Good Lookin'":
Here's a great song about memories of home and mother!
How about those Mountain Girls?
Let's have a little "gun play"!
Power in the Blood with the chorus in Sign Language:
And now, and old song from 1832...
And now it's Waltz time....the Tennessee Waltz:
Remember the old school days? Here we go...
The Story of an old Moonshiner...
A song for your special Valentine!
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